Sunday, August 29, 2010

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Gandhi
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing." - Abraham Lincoln
"Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today." - Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you never see the shadow." - Helen Keller
"Anything’s possible. You can be told you have a 90% chance or a 50% chance or a 1% chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight." - Lance Armstrong

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

From The Secret Daily Teachings

You must be happy now to bring happiness into your life through the law of attraction. It's a simple formula. Happiness attracts happiness. Yet people use so many excuses as to why they can't be happy. They use excuses of debt, excuses of health, excuses of relationships, and excuses of all sorts of things as to why they can't use this simple formula. But the formula is the law.

No matter what the excuse, unless you begin to feel happy despite it, you cannot attract happiness. The law of attraction is saying to you, "Be happy now, and as long as you keep doing that, I will give you unlimited happiness."
May the joy be with you

"Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticise others." - Christian D. Larson

Monday, August 23, 2010

"Some people Make Things Happen, some watch other people make things happen, and some wonder, what happened?" - Gandhi
"I do the best I know how, the very best I can, and I mean to keep doing so until the end." - Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, August 21, 2010

"There are two kinds of failures: Those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought." - Laurence Peter

Friday, August 20, 2010

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that." - Norman Vincent Peale
“What people get admired and appreciated for in community are their soft skills: their sense of humor and timing, their ability to listen, their courage and honesty, their capacity for empathy.” - M. Scott Peck
“You can cut down a tree with a hammer, but it takes about 30 days. If you trade the hammer for an ax, you can cut it down in about 30 minutes. The difference between 30 days and 30 minutes is skills.” - Jim Rohn
"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." - Henry Ford

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Always listen to the experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it." - Robert Heinlein

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"You are the only person on earth who can use your ability." - Zig Ziglar
Vitamins for the Mind
by Jim Rohn


Most people are just trying to get through the day. Sophisticated people learn how to get from the day.

Sophistication is understanding the difference between trinkets and treasures.

Don’t spend major money on minor things. In the last 10 years the guy has bought two tons of donuts and only two books—and the books are primarily filled with pictures.

Sophisticated people don’t leave early. The man says, “Yeah, but I want to beat the traffic.” Isn’t that a great skill to have—beating the traffic?

It doesn’t take a million dollars to learn the difference between a bottle of fine wine and a Pepsi. Sophistication is a study, not an amount.

One of the early signs of sophistication is not giving way to all inclinations, but rather sending your emotions to school so they will learn how to behave.

Money doesn’t make you sophisticated. Only study and practice make you sophisticated. Even people of modest means can become sophisticated because it is within study and practice. How much is a night out at the symphony? About 30 dollars. You say, “Poor people can’t afford 30 dollars to go to the symphony.” Yes, they can. It’s only 30 Hershey bars!

We must teach our children not to spend their money a dollar at a time. If you spend your money a dollar at a time, you’ll wind up with trinkets instead of treasures. You can’t buy much of value a dollar at a time.

Achieving Your Dreams by Jim Rohn

While most people spend most of their lives struggling to earn a living, a much smaller number seem to have everything going their way. Instead of just earning a living, the smaller group is busily working at building and enjoying a fortune. Everything just seems to work out for them. And here sits the much larger group, wondering how life can be so unfair, so complicated and unjust. What’s the major difference between the little group with so much and the larger group with so little?

Despite all of the factors that affect our lives—like the kind of parents we have, the schools we attended, the part of the country we grew up in—none has as much potential power for affecting our futures as our ability to dream.

Dreams are a projection of the kind of life you want to lead. Dreams can drive you. Dreams can make you skip over obstacles. When you allow your dreams to pull you, they unleash a creative force that can overpower any obstacle in your path. To unleash this power, though, your dreams must be well defined. A fuzzy future has little pulling power. Well-defined dreams are not fuzzy. Wishes are fuzzy. To really achieve your dreams, to really have your future plans pull you forward, your dreams must be vivid.

If you’ve ever hiked a 14,000-foot peak in the Rocky Mountains, one thought has surely come to mind: How did the settlers of this country do it? How did they get from the East Coast to the West Coast? Carrying one day’s supply of food and water is hard enough. Can you imagine hauling all of your worldly goods with you... mile after mile, day after day, month after month? These people had big dreams. They had ambition. They didn’t focus on the hardship of getting up the mountain.

In their minds, they were already on the other side—their bodies just hadn’t gotten them there yet! Despite all of their pains and struggles, all of the births and deaths along the way, those who made it to the other side had a single vision: to reach the land of continuous sunshine and extraordinary wealth—to start over where anything and everything was possible. Their dreams were stronger than the obstacles in their way.

You’ve got to be a dreamer. You’ve got to envision the future. You’ve got to see California while you’re climbing 14,000-foot peaks. You’ve got to see the finish line while you’re running the race. You’ve got to hear the cheers when you’re in the middle of a monster project. And you’ve got to be willing to put yourself through the paces of doing the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable, because that’s how you realize your dreams.

From The Secret Daily Teachings

If you have "needing money" in your vibration, then you will keep attracting needing money. You have to find a way of being happy NOW, feeling good NOW, and being in joy NOW, without the money, because those great feelings are how you will feel with the money.

Money doesn't bring happiness - but happiness brings money.
May the joy be with you,

Saturday, August 7, 2010

"It is not the place, nor the condition, but the mind alone that can make anyone happy or miserable." - Roger L'Estrange

Friday, August 6, 2010

"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins - not through strength, but through persistence." - Buddha

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there." - Robert Kiyosaki
"Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. I've worked hard on my personal development, and I must admit that this has been the most challenging assignment of all. This business of personal development lasts a lifetime. But here's the great axiom of life: To have more than you've got, become more than you are. Unless you change how you are, you'll always have what you've got". - Jim Rohn, from his classic "Lessons on Life" gift book

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win." - Zig Ziglar

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"The sad fact is that people are poor because they have not yet decided to be rich. People are overweight and unfit because they have not yet decided to be thin and fit. People are inefficient time wasters because they haven't yet decided to be highly productive in everything they do." - Brian Tracy
From The Secret Daily Teachings

When you ask for happiness and a beautiful life, ask not just for you, but for everyone. When you ask for something better, ask not just for you, but for everyone. By all means ask for abundance and health for you, but also ask for it to be given to everyone.

Can you imagine what would happen if over six billion people asked for these things for you?
May the joy be with you,