Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you." - Arnold Palmer

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

From The Secret Daily Teachings

It is important to remember that it is your thoughts and feelings together that create with the law of attraction, and you cannot separate them. Also remember that it's your feelings that are summing up your overall frequency and telling you what you are creating in this moment.

So how are you feeling right now? Could you feel better? Well then, do what it takes right now to feel better
"Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential." - John Maxwel

Monday, April 26, 2010

Character Traits of Extraordinary Leaders by Chris Widener

When people make a decision (either consciously or unconsciously) to follow your leadership, they do it primarily because of one of two things: your character or your skills. They want to know if you are the kind of person they want to follow and if you have the skills to take them further. Yes, there are other variables, but these are the bulk of the matter.

Integrity. Integrity is that you do what you say you will. You are trust worthy. People can rely on you. You keep your promises. The one thing that will most keep people from following you is if they can’t know for sure if you will actually take them where you say you will. Are you known as a person of integrity? If so, you will become an Extraordinary Leader!

Optimistic. People don’t want to follow others who think the future is bad! They want to follow those who can see the future and let them know that there is a better place and that they can get them there! Do you see the cup as half empty? Then you are a pessimist. Do you see it as half full? Then you are an optimist. Do you see it as totally full—half air and half water? Then you are a Super Optimist! Are you known as an optimist? If so, you will become an Extraordinary Leader!

Embraces Change. Leaders are the ones who will see the need for change and willingly embrace it. Followers will at first desire to stay where they are. Leaders need to see the benefits of change and communicate them to followers. If you don’t change, you won’t grow! Are you known as a person who embraces change? If so, you will become an Extraordinary Leader!

Risk Taker. Whenever we try something new, we are taking a risk. That is part of growing though and it is imperative. Most people are risk averse. Not the leader! They calculate the risk and what is to be gained from taking the risk. Then they communicate that to the followers and away they go to a better tomorrow! Are you known as a person who is willing to take risks? If so, you will become an Extraordinary Leader!

Tenacious. The tendency of the follower is to quit when the going gets tough. Two or three tries and their motto becomes “If at first you don’t succeed, give up and try something else.” Not the leader! They know what good lies beyond this brick wall and they will go and get it. Then they will bring others with them! Are you known as a person who is tenacious? If so, you will become an Extraordinary Leader!

Catalytic. A leader is ultimately one who gets people going. They are able to move others out of their comfort zone and on toward the goal! They can raise the passion, enthusiasm and the ACTION of those who would follow. Are you known as a catalyst? If so, you will become an Extraordinary Leader!

Dedicated/Committed. Followers want people who are more devoted and committed than themselves. At the first sign of lack of commitment, followers scatter for the doors. If the leader sees the end and is bailing out, they better get out first. Followers follow those who will stick it out because they see the importance of the task and the goal. Are you known as a person who is committed and devoted to the goal? If so, you will become an Extraordinary Leader!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

"The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." - Mark Twain
From The Secret Daily Teachings
Remember, if you are criticizing, you are not being grateful. If you are blaming, you are not being grateful. If you are complaining, you are not being grateful. If you are feeling tension, you are not being grateful. If you are rushing, you are not being grateful. If you are in a bad mood, you are not being grateful.

Gratitude can transform your life. Are you allowing minor things to get in the way of your transformation and the life you deserve?

Friday, April 23, 2010

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"When I get ready to talk to people, I spend two thirds of the time thinking what they want to hear and one third thinking about what I want to say." - Abraham Lincoln
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"The problem in my life and other people's lives is not the absence of knowing what to do, but the absence of doing it." - Peter Drucker
From The Secret Daily Teachings
To allow the Universe to move you in your life to happier and better things, you are going to need to look around you and appreciate the good things here and now. Seek the beautiful things and count the blessings of where you are. Dissatisfaction will not bring the happier and the better into your life. Dissatisfaction roots you to the spot where you currently are, but appreciation for what you have attracts the happier and better to you.

Remember that you are a magnet! Appreciation attracts appreciation!
"Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you." - Madeline Bridges

Monday, April 19, 2010

"Be like a sponge when it comes to each new experience. If you want to be able to express it well, you must first be able to absorb it well." - Jim Rohn
"Life is not just the passing of time. Life is the collection of experiences and their intensity." - Jim Rohn
Vitamins for the Mind by Jim Rohn


To solve any problem, there are three questions to ask yourself: First, What could I do? Second, What could I read? And third, Whom could I ask?

The real problem is usually two or three questions deep. If you want to go after someone’s problem, be aware that most people aren’t going to reveal what the real problem is after the first question.

Neil Armstrong once said, “You only have to solve two problems when going to the moon: first, how to get there, and second, how to get back. The key is don’t leave until you have solved both problems.”

Never attack a problem without also presenting a solution.

The best place to solve a problem is on paper.
The Ant Philosophy by Jim Rohn

Over the years, I’ve been teaching kids about a simple but powerful concept: the Ant Philosophy. I think everybody should study ants. They have an amazing four-part philosophy.

Here is the first part: Ants never quit. That’s a good philosophy. If they’re headed somewhere and you try to stop them, they’ll look for another way. They’ll climb over. They’ll climb under. They’ll climb around. They keep looking for another way. What a neat philosophy—to never quit looking for a way to get where you’re supposed to go.

Second, ants think winter all summer. That’s an important perspective. You can’t be so naive as to think summer will last forever. So ants gather their winter food in the middle of summer.

An ancient story says, “Don’t build your house on the sand in the summer.” Why do we need that advice? Because it is important to think ahead. In the summer, you’ve got to think storm. You’ve got to think rocks as you enjoy the sand and sun.

The third part of the Ant Philosophy is that ants think summer all winter. That is so important. During the winter, ants remind themselves, “This won’t last long; we’ll soon be out of here.” And the first warm day, the ants are out. If it turns cold again, they’ll dive back down, but then they come out the first warm day. They can’t wait to get out.

And here’s the last part of the ant philosophy. How much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? All he possibly can. What an incredible philosophy, the “all-you-possibly-can” philosophy.

Wow, what a great philosophy to have—the ant philosophy. Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can.
"A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown." - Denis Waitley

Saturday, April 17, 2010

"The quality of your life will be in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably tolerate." - Tony Robbins
"Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open." - Elmer G. Letterman

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Long-range goals keep you from being frustrated by short-term failures." - James Cash Penney

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

From The Secret Daily Teachings
Most people don't realize how much passion they put into what they don't want. When you speak to a friend and you tell them all about an "awful" situation, you are putting passion into what you don't want. When you react to an event negatively, with the response that it is "terrible", you are putting passion into what you don't want.

You are a beautiful passionate being, so make sure you direct your passion wisely

Monday, April 12, 2010

"It's the little things you do that can make a big difference. What are you attempting to accomplish? What little thing can you do today that will make you more effective? You are probably only one step away from greatness." - Bob Proctor

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes." - Benjamin Disraeli
"More than anything else, I believe it's our decisions, not the conditions of our lives, that determine our destiny." - Anthony Robbins
"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." - Oprah Winfrey
"Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future." - Paul Boese
"Leadership is no longer about your position. It's now more about your passion for excellence and making a difference. You can lead without a title." - Robin Sharma
"If you're open to altering your plans a bit, you might achieve even better results than you'd anticipated." - Peggy McCol
"You never will be the person you can be if pressure, tension and discipline are taken out of your life." - James G. Bilkey
"Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, "Make me feel important." - Mary Kay Ash

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts." - Brian Tracy

Monday, April 5, 2010

"The guy says, 'When you work where I work, by the time you get home, it's late. You've got to have a bite to eat, watch a little TV, relax and get to bed. You can't sit up half the night planning, planning, planning.' And he's the same guy who is behind on his car payment!" - Jim Rohn
"Do not be afraid of death. Be afraid of the half-lived life!" - Laird Hamilton
"When you affirm big, believe big and pray big, putting faith into action, big things happen." - Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anais Nin

Saturday, April 3, 2010

"I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill." - Edward Appleton
"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." - Albert Einstein
"When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to take pause and reflect." - Mark Twain

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." - Albert Einstein
"Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching." - Thomas Jefferson